- Create 3 databases (schema) in MySQL: whowish_development, whowish_test, whowish_production
- Get whoWish project folder and import it to Aptana RadRails
- Modify config/database.yml so that the username and password are valid for accessing the database
- Right-Click on the project and choose Rake > db > schema > load (All the tables will be created)
- Right-Click on the project and choose Run As > Run Configurations ...
- Right-Click on Ruby Application and Choose 'New'
- In the name textbox, type 'Run'
- In the Project textbox, browse and choose 'whoWish'
- In the File textbox, browse and choose 'script/server'
- Click on Apply and Click on Run
- Open browser and go to http://localhost:3000
- recaptcha plugin, by running 'gem install ruby-recaptcha'.
- mysql plugin, by running 'gem install mysql'
If you don't have Rake, please run 'gem install --remote rake' in command line.
If you do not have Gem, then download Gem here (we use 1.3.5). and type 'ruby setup.rb' in command line.
If you do not have Ruby, then please install Ruby 1.8.6.
And we use Rails version 2.3.4.