Nov 24, 2010

First use of Git to obtain whowish project

Assuming you have installed msysgit, you need to follow these steps in order to obtain whowish project.

1. First of all, you need to generate SSH Key for your computer by:
Run Git GUI > Help > Show SSH Key > then generate SSH key.

No need to set passphrase, just press 'enter'.

After you see the SSH key in the textarea, copy it and send it to me by any mean.

2. After I approve your key, you can test it by:


If you see congratulation message, then you're fine.

3. Now you can check out by:

Right-click at a destination folder, select Git Bash,


git clone

* Don't forget to set username and email by:

git config --global "your name"
git config --global

And there you go, the project will be downloaded to your computer.