So many mistakes we have done. Most of the mistakes came from me. It's worth to list all the mistakes that we have done.
The first big mistake that we have done is to greedily draw the scope. Our scope of HopIn was initially friggin' big, vertically and horizontally. Right now I have a theory that a scope has two dimensions on it: Vertical and Horizontal. Scope should be devised toward vertical direction, at least, in the beginning.
To extend scope vertically means that we are building the application toward our goal regardless of how many people we polarize. To extend scope horizontally means that we are building the application to support more people. An example is: when we build an application for trading; if we go for supporting more numbers of currencies, that's extending the scope horizontally. If we go for supporting 'shipping cost calculation', that's veritical extension.
Within a day, we can only finish a really small vertical scope. The lesson here is to draw a small vertical scope. If the scope is to wide and tall, phrase it.